Crypto News Group (Telegram). Aggregated news from a range of sources to keep you up to date daily with what's happening. FREE
Members Chat Group (Telegram). Real-time communication group for members. Includes real-time market messages, important notifications, community support, product updates and other discussions. Value: $997
Member platform. Access to Crypto related investing resources which we are continually updating. Value: $497
Monthly Q&A (Zoom). Your opportunity to ask questions live to our team to gain insight and learnings on the crypto market in general or specific projects, strategies or anything else you can think of! Includes recordings from all previous Q&As! Value: $997
Events From Experts. We will organise 2-4 events per year where an expert from a related area will present insights and information to assist you on your crypto journey. This could be relating to tax, investment, personal development, etc. Includes all recordings from previous expert events! Value: $997
BONUS#1: Getting Started in Crypto Cheat Sheet. All key platforms you need in order to get started in crypto. Value: $497
BONUS#2: Resource on how to prevent hackers from stealing your crypto assets. Value: $497
Disclaimer: This is not, and should not be regarded as investment advice or as a recommendation regarding any particular security or course of action. Breakout Solutions are not financial advisers and do not offer any personal financial advice or advocate the purchase or sale of any token or security or investment for any specific individual.