This webinar is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial, investment, legal or taxation advice. We do not endorse any forms of investment or any particular financial products. We do not hold any financial services licence and are not purporting to provide financial advice.
All information including materials referred to or provided in this webinar is referred to or provided as general information only which will require further research to identify its application to your specific requirements, and is provided by way of example only.
It is your own sole decision as to whether you wish to make purchases of digital currency and you should not rely on us when deciding whether to purchase digital currencies. Cryptocurrencies are experimental and often experience volatile price changes. Purchasing cryptocurrencies carries high risk. You should not spend money on cryptocurrency purchases which you cannot afford to lose.
The laws relating to cryptocurrencies are evolving and are not settled and while we have taken care in the formulation, presentation, and dissemination of this information we do not warrant the accuracy of any of the information or the appropriateness of the information for any of your specific requirements.