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Breakout Solutions presents you...
Earn 1% a day on your investment, 365 days a year!
Want to discover how to join the hundreds of people earning 1,000 USD every single day PASSIVELY?
Just think about what earning an extra 1,000 USD a day. That could mean…
Completely Paying Off Your Loans
Finally Building an Emergency Fund
Going On a Dream Vacation
Owning a House
Driving Your Favorite Car
Getting Your Kids Through College
Starting Your Own Business
A Retirement Fund
Complete Financial Freedom
How can an extra $1,000 USD a day change your life? You might be asking, “How is this even possible?".
Compound interest is the key pillar of how the rich become richer and the poor become poorer.
Compound interest is the money you earn on the interest of your investment which accumulates over time and if you approach it correctly, it can give you MASSIVE returns.
This is the ultimate passive income strategy that you can literally do with ONLY 5 minutes of activity a day and allow your money to work for you.
1. 50% of Australia’s working population is living paycheque to paycheque. According to a research done by the National Australia Bank's wealth management arm, MLC
2. And the problem is worse among the millennial age group, with 70% admitting that they are living paycheque to paycheque and struggling to make ends meet. Can you relate to this?
3. A life with no savings makes it even harder these days especially in the pandemic! A staggering 66% of Australians actually don’t have enough savings to cover six months if they ever lose their jobs.
4. AND 23% of Australians don’t even have emergency savings AT ALL. Do you?
You are VULNERABLE to emergency situations, a pandemic, or even big corporations.
And if you do reach a time when you need money and you don’t have savings, the only choice most people would have is to go to a bank and take out DEBT.
Even when interest rates are extremely low, it could ruin your financial future.
Actually, Australians have over $32 Billion in just credit card debt.
And because of that over 60% of Australians are worried about their debt AND THEY SHOULD BE.
The fact is MOST people need extra money but they don’t have it when they need it!
Disclaimer: Above calculations assume you do not take any profits along the way and don't factor in transaction fees. Both of these will will alter results.
In this FREE workshop, we're covering everything you need to know HOW to turn your $100 USD into 6-digits including:
The Mindset of the Ultra Wealthy and how you can adopt it
Wealth creation secrets of the Ultra Wealthy 1%-ers and how you can put them to use for you and your loved ones
Step by Step colours by numbers guide for the highest returns
How this strategy works
The development team and how they are changing the financial landscape for everyone!
Understanding the flaws of current financial system
Wealth creation secrets exposed
Understanding the Protocol - How the 1% a day returns are achieved
The Breakout Solutions digital wealth creation system
This webinar is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial, investment, legal or taxation advice. We do not endorse any forms of investment or any particular financial products. We do not hold any financial services license and are not purporting to provide financial advice.
All information including materials referred to or provided in this webinar is referred to or provided as general information only which will require further research to identify its application to your specific requirements, and is provided by way of example only.
It is your own sole decision as to whether you wish to make purchases of digital currency and you should not rely on us when deciding whether to purchase digital currencies. Cryptocurrencies are experimental and often experience volatile price changes. Purchasing cryptocurrencies carries high risk. You should not spend money on cryptocurrency purchases which you cannot afford to lose.
The laws relating to cryptocurrencies are evolving and are not settled and while we have taken care in the formulation, presentation, and dissemination of this information we do not warrant the accuracy of any of the information or the appropriateness of the information for any of your specific requirements.
2022 Breakout Solutions. All Rights Reserved.